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WOW Flip 'n' Tip Fred

WOW Flip 'n' Tip Fred

Regular price £45.00 GBP
Regular price £45.00 GBP Sale price £45.00 GBP
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For many kids the biggest piece of machinery that they will encounter in day-to-day life is a bin lorry. To adults it might seem unglamerous but to kids it's a huge and exciting weekly (or fortnightly) visitor to their street that helps take all the rubbish away.

Wow has done a fantastic job in making Fred; as well as being a friction-powered bin lorry (with driver and friends) this is also a fantastic pretend play set with a selection of bins to tip into the lorry's container.

Fred has the brilliantly simple Wow push-and-go motorised engine (it even sounds real, no batteries needed).

This set includes:
Fred the bin lorry
Two figures
Three bins

Suitable for children aged 1 year and up


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