Toy Talk

Pretend Play: Toys Are Nothing New, In Fact They're a Human Tradition

Pretend Play: Toys Are Nothing New, In Fact The...

Toys have a history spanning literally thousands of years. In this post we look at a doll from ancient Italy that's older than the last mammoth and a toy chariot...

Pretend Play: Toys Are Nothing New, In Fact The...

Toys have a history spanning literally thousands of years. In this post we look at a doll from ancient Italy that's older than the last mammoth and a toy chariot...

Pretend Play: Understanding Other People and Building Emotional IQ

Pretend Play: Understanding Other People and Bu...

The world can be a hard place to learn about, and social learning in particular can be a bit of a challenge for younger children. Pretend play offers children a...

Pretend Play: Understanding Other People and Bu...

The world can be a hard place to learn about, and social learning in particular can be a bit of a challenge for younger children. Pretend play offers children a...

indipendant indie shopping for extra quality control

Indie Shopping for Extra Quality Control

There is a BIG difference between online marketplaces and an online shops. It's a difference that saves you time, makes life easier, and one that keeps you safe. Every day...

Indie Shopping for Extra Quality Control

There is a BIG difference between online marketplaces and an online shops. It's a difference that saves you time, makes life easier, and one that keeps you safe. Every day...

Toy Safety Failings from Big Name Online Retailers

Toy Safety Failings from Big Name Online Retailers

A quarter of toys purchased from Amazon UK in a recent BTHA study were found to be potentially dangerous. How do we fix this in future? Can people ensure Toy...

Toy Safety Failings from Big Name Online Retailers

A quarter of toys purchased from Amazon UK in a recent BTHA study were found to be potentially dangerous. How do we fix this in future? Can people ensure Toy...

Get out of the Netflix loop! (Or at least get off autopilot)

Get out of the Netflix loop! (Or at least get o...

During lockdown it's easy to grasp for anything that feels consistent, anything that we can have at least a little control over. Some habits are healthier than others but every...

Get out of the Netflix loop! (Or at least get o...

During lockdown it's easy to grasp for anything that feels consistent, anything that we can have at least a little control over. Some habits are healthier than others but every...

More to come...

More to come...

This is a quick wee first post but our blog 'Toy Talk' will come to offer a collection of blogs, articles, and short posts about toys, play, and their effect...

More to come...

This is a quick wee first post but our blog 'Toy Talk' will come to offer a collection of blogs, articles, and short posts about toys, play, and their effect...